One of the directions of the company is to assess the quality of cotton fiber and lint based on international and national standards (USDA and O'zDSt). Independent inspection enables Clients to really judge the quality of cotton fiber. If you want to be sure that you are supplied with exactly the fiber that you have contracted, Independent inspection services will help you with this, since the company employs trained and qualified specialists.
The following methods are used to classify the quality of cotton fiber:
First: the classroom method - specially trained specialists (classters) carry out an organoleptic assessment of cotton fiber by grade and class by comparing with appearance samples approved in the prescribed manner, and determining the staple length by laying out the staple manually. Only the "microneir" indicator is determined instrumentally. The method is used to control 10% of bales from a batch, but can also be used for batch tests.
Second: HVI (HVA) is a short designation of the name of the High Volume Instrument measuring system for testing high performance cotton fiber in terms of length, uniformity in length, strength, elongation at break, microneur, color and debris. Developed and used since the end of the 80s. 20th century, due to the increase in the use of rotor spinning machines in the world textile industry, for which fiber strength acquired the greatest importance in the manufacture of strong yarn, and the assessment of which did not lend itself to the traditional classroom method.
Third: traditional instrumental methods of testing cotton fiber on a small sample obtained by multiple averaging and reduction of sample masses taken from different bales and from different places of the tested sample of cotton fiber. Due to the high labor intensity and duration of testing, it is used by breeders, as well as to control technological processes at cotton factories and textile enterprises.
Highly qualified, with many years of experience, Independent inspection services classrooms can check cotton fiber both by the classroom method and under the conditions of an independent accredited laboratory by the HVI method and under their supervision.
Cotton fiber inspection includes the following scope of work: